Compensation teams rely heavily on surveys for competitive data and to help verify what's happening in the market. But traditional survey data can't solve for everything. A recent poll of comp leaders suggests there's a desire for more...
Unlike traditional compensation surveys, Compa Offers is real-time and based on offers.
Wait, offer data? Really...? Absolutely! Think about it like this: offers are transactional - just like housing market. They can provide information that is:
Representative of hot markets
Volume- / trend-based
With Compa Offers providing real-time, offers-based market data, you'll get the insights and analytics you need quickly and easily (and without the hours of administration). Imagine what you could do with all that data right at your fingertips!
Interested in learning more? There are additional articles available in our Resource Center, including information on data security, integration, job matching, methodology, how-to's and onboarding.
You can also email to get connected with our team for a demo, or to get answers to any additional questions you may have.